Goal: Elevate existing brand and apply brand to new exhibition space
Team: Karuna Gangwani, Lindsay Caslin, Ann Salman, Liz Chen, Kailyn Byers
Deliverables: Brand Book, Signage & Wayfinding System, Packaging, Digital Assets
2021 - 14 weeks long
Queso Lucía is our team's rebranded pitch for the Puerto Rican goat cheese company, Queso de Cabra Lucía. Our goal was to update the company's visuals as well as brand their soon-to-be opened quesería. In its rebrand, we wanted to delineate what values made Lucia truly stand out from its goat cheese competitors. Lucia’s prioritization of quality over quantity, its family-founded Puerto Rican heritage, and its emphasis on locality and farm-to-table practices all make the brand special and distinct.
Our solution involved three facets:
1. Revised visual language
2. Expanded physical presence
3. Reinforced digital presence


1. Revised visual language
Rather than rebranding Lucía entirely, we’ve expanded upon what already exists in order to be more flexible when the company eventually expands. In order to do this successfully, we’ve modified Lucía the goat into a mascot to bring distinct personality to the brand.

Brings together the visual identity and its elements and is also adaptable for different flavors and expansion of products

2. Expanded physical presence
The expanded physical presence we wanted to introduce includes the Quesería, a farm experience showcasing where the lucía cheese is made. We not only had to design the experience and degree of immersion throughout the experience, but also create a wayfinding system with clear and cohesive signs that could work at different scales.

Serves to educate about the cheese-making experience while also provide a bit of magic enticing the user to step into lucía's world

3. Reinforced digital presence
We wanted to further strengthen Queso Lucia's brand through their social media platforms, as well as a new website to show off their products and new Queseria experience. By giving them adaptable social media tools on an easy to use platform, any administrator with the visual guidelines could design new content.