Goal: Elevate existing brand and apply brand to new exhibition space
Team: Karuna Gangwani, Lindsay Caslin, Molly Mills, Angela Zhong, Ann Salman
Deliverables: Branding proposal and Exhibition Mockup, Signage, Wayfinding System
2020 - 6 month process
The Virtual MLK Project is a multi-faceted experience to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s widely influential speech titled, “A Creative Protest.” The research presented throughout the exhibit, along with the Virtual Reality experience, provides an embodied sense of what it might have been like to sit, stand, and move around the historic sanctuary during King's speech.
The project was planned to hold an exhibit in NCSU's Hunt Library on the 60th anniversary of the speech. Our design team set out to propose an exhibit design that would provide clear and consistent way-finding throughout the many different and dispersed areas of NCSU's Hunt Library, as well as create an effective branding strategy that encapsulated the life of the Civil Rights Movement.
Of the several proposed projects, our team was selected to advance our designs for exhibition day.

In February of 2020, visitors to the North Carolina State University Hunt Library participated in self-guided tours as well as instructor-guided and/or public exhibitions of the six components of the vMLK project. The successful event was amplified by our graphic and wayfinding system.
The physical components our team contributed to to this exhibit include: exhibit touchpoint stands, all interactive and free-standing graphics, instructional posters, logo design, promotional material, and its way-finding brochure.

A strong use of shape and iconography with an extreme contrast to the color and architecture of the library leads the user through the space in a visceral, digestible way .


Our main point of interest was sequencing the exhibit so that the wayfinding flow was intuitive and each room in Hunt Library was fully utilized. We wanted Hunt Library and this exhibit to coexist while our intervention could still stand out non-intrusively. Our resolutions widely covered these main topics:
- Clear wayfinding
- Distinction between Individual and Groups
- Varied degrees of immersion

The exhibit starts with smaller touchpoints and precedence, finishing with a more finite resolution and hands-on reflection.

Panoramic Mock-up of our Proposed Work